3 thoughts on how you can help unf*ck the world

Rachael Cumberland-Dodd
4 min readMar 2, 2022

There’s an interesting dynamic going on in my house right now.

The husband is watching rolling news of the crisis in Ukraine.
My son is seeing videos of bombing on TikTok.
And I’m in the middle, staying out of the doom media coverage, and trying to answer the ‘Why?’ questions from the kid, when I don’t know why myself.

Meanwhile, the dog is still happily chewing the TV remote and crapping in the house 💩

No matter what is happening in my house, your house, in Ukraine, Iraq, North Korea. Life is Life-ing.

There are beautiful people saying ‘I do’, daffodils budding, songs that only existed in heads being played to others for the first time, first steps, new schools, new clients.

This missive is not about marketing.

It’s about how we can see the world more clearly when we see ourselves differently.

Seeing the world clearly starts with seeing yourself

The world is pretty fucked up right now — in fact, it has been for a while.
And it’s super easy to feel hopeless and to settle into fear as we watch cousins attack cousins.

I’m guessing that many of you reading this are as human-aware as you are politically aware; you’re conscious business owners with good intentions.
You have many amazing gifts, messages to share, and a desire to help unfuck this world.

But it ain’t easy, and at times like this, I think that sharing 5 ways to attract clients isn’t what I want to write or perhaps what you want to read?

So I’m not gonna.

Instead, I gonna share with you three thoughts on how I’m trying to make a positive contribution; for today and possibly for the long haul.

Thought 1:
I want to help those in need now, and I reckon the best way is to donate some money.
My son chose to donate his pocket money to Choose Love — they’re supporting the refugee camps in Poland and Romania, providing medical care, shelter, food, clothes, legal support, support for the LGBTQIA+ community, and mental health support.

He also wants to help the dogs who have been left behind in Ukraine. IFAW (International Federation for Animal Welfare) is supporting animal shelters. providing food for the animals and for the workers still caring for them.

We’ve been having chats about the crisis with the kid (aged 10) around the dinner table. If you have kids and want to talk to them about the world, this resource has been super helpful.

Thought 2:
Manage my media diet. I’ve ditched the doom media for positive and independent news coverage.

I have turned my back on BBC & Twitter, in favour of commentary and updates from the Kyiv Independent, Positive News, and the Good News Movement.
I want to stay informed, but I want to hear good news stories too — like Elon Musk sending Starlink broadband terminals to Ukraine after communication networks were hit.

I reckon it’s vital we monitor our media diet; for the good of our brain-health and for the good of the stuff that we say to others.

Thought 3:
See myself more clearly. This week, and for the third time I am taking part in this free BE, DO, HAVE training,

And my reasons? To understand where I’m holding back, where I’m making excuses and how I can use my skills and talents to make a difference to the world.

I’m thinking if I can up the intensity and value of my work, I can achieve more and then I can do more, i.e. support more of the charities that are helping the vulnerable and shout louder about the good news.

Good folk, will you join me?

BE DO HAVE centres on the idea that to achieve big things in life you have to first BEcome the person who achieves big things.
Any success you want — wealth, love, health — is a result of your thoughts, behaviors, and habits which are driven by your subconscious identity.

In my first two rounds of BE DO HAVE, I uncovered a lot of the crap that was holding me back from going all-in in my business; fear of standing out, running away from uncomfortable, and overthinking.
And through embodying new habits, self-hypnosis, and rewriting the stories, I started to rewire my subconscious mind.

I’m still a work in progress, I don’t think this process of shedding what no longer serves you ever stops, but I feel more powerful than I ever have.

Becoming more of the ME I want to BE, has been pretty transformational.

Which is why I wanted to share this

I am not an affiliate for this training btw, there’s no back-handers if you sign up, or skin off my nose if you don’t.

I just wanted you to know that this no-cost training has had a huge impact on my life.

And I reckon a soupçon of awareness, a dollop of prosperity consciousness, and a huge serving of self-love could make all the difference to humanity right now.

My final thought: seeing the world clearly starts with seeing yourself anew.

I’m on a mission in March to serve as many biz owners as I can. If you identify as a marketing-shy entrepreneur who is ready to share your message but not sure how to do it, I can help. If you hop on a 30 min audience research call with me, you’ll get 30 mins free 1:1 marketing coaching as a thank-you. Sign up here x



Rachael Cumberland-Dodd

Marketing is Medicine folks. Brand-builder & messaging guide, plus evolving human being. feedmarketing.gg