Creating content is a bitch. How to make it easy-er

Rachael Cumberland-Dodd
5 min readJan 7, 2022

It can be an almighty struggle to put your head down, bum up and create content consistently. I know. Boy, do I know.

But I’m chuffed to share how you too can overcome the content fits and starts and instead find a beautiful (and easy) rhythm. (Cos I did)

Creating a content rhythm was on my list of goals for evah, but for some reason, it became the business habit I couldn’t stick to. (Kinda like doing physio exercises — I know I need to do them but they’re sooo boring, and take up tooo much time!)

So, for me creating regular, wonderful, useful content was my bête noire — that thing I vehemently avoided doing (like physio or my tax returns)

Until I started writing every day, sometimes for 15 minutes, sometimes for 90 mins. I had no plan, I just wrote whatever I wanted. Sometimes it was nonsense, sometimes it wasn’t. But this simple act of writing helped me to make sense of the swirling ideas inside my head and figure out what I was all about.

So let’s get real, what is the point of writing, recording, posting, sharing content all the time?
Creating content doesn’t immediately bring new clients flocking (so if you’re Mr/Ms Immediate Gratification stop reading now)

  • BUT it does help to clarify your point of view
  • It does boost your confidence
  • It does make you realise you have something important to say
  • It does have a positive impact on your audience
  • It does boost your credibility
  • It does open the door to new opportunities.

It does all that, plus makes you flipping proud.
(And, has a ripple effect on other areas of your business. Since getting my content eye in, I’ve invited more clients to work with me, put myself forward for speaking gigs & increased my prices — confidence eh!)

So if you’re curious to know how I got from procrastinating to producing and how you can too, read on…👇🏻

It’s all thanks to Dani, The Quiet Marketer, and her fabulous Organise Your Message course.

Dani’s simple four-step content process was a gamechanger for me!

  1. List 8 Challenges your clients' experience
  2. List 8 Desires they have
  3. Draw the dots between the two
  4. Get writing

It really is that simple (which is why I ❤️ it)
But, like everything worthwhile in marketing it requires that you know and can empathise with your people, those you want to help.
If you’re struggling to get under the skin of your ideal client,
this article on audience research will help hugely!!

So, if you’re still reading I presume you know your audience as well as you know your bestie?

If yes, this is how to go about generating fabulous content:

Step 1: Write 8 statements that reflect the issues your clients have before working with you
(Example: my clients sit for hours staring at a blank screen trying to create content OR or they clam up & get flustered when asked ‘what do you do?’)

* If you’re feeling stuck here have a look at past testimonials, emails you’ve had from clients and consider what they’re feeling, concerned about, unclear about, tired of, afraid of, or don’t know what to do

Step 2: Create 8 specific statements that reflect the results your clients crave. What do they want to do, know or have?

(Example: my clients want to have a waiting list of people, to be known as ‘the expert in x’ and have the right words and messages to use in their marketing)

* If you’re feeling stuck, consider what they want, what knowledge they’re seeking, what are they searching for on Google and what questions are you always being asked.
Use statement openings like ‘they want to be able to’, ‘know that’, ‘ be clear on’, ‘have the confidence to, ‘create….’

Step 3a: Draw the dots.
Take each of the 8 ‘struggle’ statements and add the word ‘BECAUSE’ in front of each of them, then start free-writing

Here’s my example…

My clients are starting at a blank screen trying to create content BECAUSE

  • They’re overthinking. They feel positive & inspired, then their fear brain kicks in — they’re worried about being judged or questioned
  • They’re not sure what they think, they haven’t developed their perspective on the work they create or why they do things differently.
  • They don’t know much about their audience, what they care about or have issues with.

Step 3b:
Once you’ve done the work above take a look at your 8 ‘desire’ statements and add the words ‘HOW TO GO ABOUT’ before each sentence, then free-write.


HOW TO GO ABOUT Attracting the right kind of clients

  • Use your existing network and ask for referrals
  • Explore partnerships; where else are your ideal clients?
  • Talk about your point of view, what you believe in, what p*sses you off
  • Talk about how you help get clients from A to B
  • Talk about your credentials; what have you already created, what results have you had

Step 4: Get writing/recording!
Now, you have 16 statements (8 struggle & 8 desire) that you’ve fleshed out with bullet points! Use these to draft at least 16 amazing pieces of content; each focused around a specific issue!

Easy eh? In fact, this article was created using the exact same method — and it took me half the time to write!!

From each of these long-form blogs you can create a series of social posts, record video content, go live. You could create an infographic based on just one bullet point, highlight your message with an IG story, send it to you list or publish on Medium!

And as you get into your groove you’ll find it gets easier and easier to create.

And tell me, was this useful? Do you love a formula or prefer to freestyle? Dp you like to have a plan or write whatever’s in your head that day?

If you like these words you’ll dig my Tuesletter — it’s full of marketing smarts, stuff to make you smile and soulful growth strategies — for you and your biz! You can sign up here if ya want x



Rachael Cumberland-Dodd

Marketing is Medicine folks. Brand-builder & messaging guide, plus evolving human being.